Friday, June 14, 2024
MDMLG / SEMCME Joint Project - Quality Library

As I mentioned at last week's Annual Meeting, I have created a new MDMLG website which collects information about the MDMLG / SEMCME Joint Project (Southeastern Michigan Center for Medical Education).  

MDMLG members have been helping SEMCME to develop their Quality Library since 2021.  Their Quality Library consists of journal articles and documents, arranged by broad subject area.  

For further information, go to the new website -  There is a link there to the SEMCME Quality Library, along with the login information.  This Library is password protected, so I have the login informaiton on our membersj-only web page. 

We still need your help to submit relevant journal articles and documents on any aspect of quality -- competencies for residents, ethics, journals in the field, models, tools and much more.

To submit articles or if you have any questions, send them to Valerie Reid -

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 3:41 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Interested in Social Media? Apply Your Enthusiasm Here!


Greetings, MDMLG members!

Do you have an interest in social media and enjoy creating occasional posts?

Our current Social Media Manager, Michelle Rau, is looking for a couple of members to assist in creating Instagram and Facebook posts that tell the story of our organization’s current issues & activities.

She would love to hear from you!!

Email Michelle Rau:

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Posted by Elizabeth @ 3:06 PM   0 comments
Seeking Names of MDMLG Member Colleagues Who Retired This Year


Greetings, MDMLG members!

If you know of any MDMLG member colleagues who have retired this past year, please send their names to me,

Thank you!


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Posted by Elizabeth @ 9:40 AM   0 comments
Thursday, May 16, 2024
MDMLG 2024 Annual Summer Meeting and Luncheon - Registration Now Open!

Registration for the MDMLG 2024 Annual Summer Meeting and Luncheon is now available for members of MDMLG! Registration for non-members will open on June 3.

Register here:

Date: June 20, 2024

Time: 11:30 am to 3:30 pm

Location: The Whitney

4421 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201

Valet parking will be provided at no cost.


Program Schedule:

11:30am-12:00pm - Registration

12:00pm-1:00pm - Lunch

1:15-2:15pm - Presentation

Speaker: Alethea Davenport

Topic: “Pewabic: Detroit's Pottery”

2:15pm-2:30pm - Break

2:30pm-3:30pm - Business Meeting

Please let me know if you have any questions about the registration form, summer meeting, or anything else. Thank you, and on behalf of the Programming and Professional Development Committee, we hope to see you in June!


Steven Moore

Chair, Programming and Professional Development Committee

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Posted by Steven J. Moore @ 8:11 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Proposed MDMLG Bylaws Change

 Hello, MDMLG members,

I am proposing a small name change in the MDMLG Bylaws. I will be bringing this change forward for a vote during the General Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting on June 20, 2024.

I am proposing that we update the name of the ’MDMLG Student Award’ in the Bylaws to the ‘Margaret Danowski Student Scholarship Award.’ This name change was officially ratified by the membership last year, but the Bylaws were not updated. This year’s Executive Board has supported this Bylaws update.

The single occurrence for this change is located on Pg. 7 of the Bylaws, Article VI. Sec. 2 6.

If passed, the new section will read:

6. The President-Elect or President, as appropriate, will specify the term of appointment of all

committee members and representatives. Margaret Danowski Student Scholarship Award recipients may serve as the MDMLG Student Representative.

If you have any input or concerns about this change, you can send them to me ( and we can discuss them at the Annual Meeting on June 20, 2024.

Elizabeth  Bucciarelli, President

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Posted by Elizabeth @ 2:46 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, May 01, 2024
2024-2025 MDMLG Slate of Candidates

 As the MDMLG Nominating Committee Chair of 2023-2024, I am pleased to announce the Slate of Candidates for the 2024-2025 year.

•    President-Elect – Colleen Streeter, Henry Ford Health
•    Treasurer – Jennifer Bowen, University of Detroit-Mercy
•    Membership Services – Carla Brooks, University of Michigan – Dearborn
•    Nominating Committee

o    Bethany Figg, Central Michigan University
o    Brianna Andre – Henry Ford Health
o    Melanie Bednarski, Henry Ford Health – Macomb

You can also view the slate and member bios here. There are no contested positions, so a ballot will not be necessary. The new board will be approved and presented at the Summer Luncheon in June 2024.

We also want to include this relevant information from the bylaws:
Nominations for the Board and the nominating Committee may be made from the membership at large by petitions signed by no fewer than ten (10) personal members providing they are submitted in writing to the chair of the Nominating Committee at least seven (7) days before the election. Petitions must be accompanied by a written statement of acceptance from the candidate and biographical sketch.

Amanda Kelly
Chair, MDMLG Nominating Committee

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 9:05 AM   0 comments
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Michelle Kraft - Slides from Presentation 4/17/2024

Our spring General Business Meeting was held on April 17th at the Michigan School of Psychology. 

Following the meeting, Michelle Kraft, Library Director of the Cleveland Clinic and co-editor of the Journal of the Medical Library Association, spoke on the topic of promoting the field of health sciences librarianship.

Slides from Michelle Kraft's presentation
(Use Chrome or Edge to view this document)

Many thanks to Stephanie Swanberg and her team for hosting our first in-person general business meeting in almost 4 years! 

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 10:48 AM   0 comments
MDMLG History Web Site

You may be interested to find out that we have an MDMLG History web page -- 
I have collected virtually all our organization’s history here.

Some of the things you can find are:

  • Executive Board & Committee Chairs/Members – 2001 to the present
  • Newsletter – 1999 to the present
  • Nominating Committee Slates & Results – 1970 to the present
  • Program & Professional Development Committee – information on meeting locations, topics, speakers, MLA CE classes, etc. – 1999 to the present
  • Annual Reports – 1999 to the present
  • Directory (members-only) – 2007 to the present
  • Meeting Minutes (members-only)  – 1999 to the present
  • Treasurer Reports (members-only) – 1999 to the present
  • Scholarship History – 2005 to the present
  • Photo Album (members-only) – 2001 to the present
  • Goals & Objectives – 2003 to the present

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 10:44 AM   0 comments
MDMLG Brochures

 All MDMLG brochures have recently been updated:

 (Use Chrome or Edge to view these documents)

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 10:37 AM   0 comments
MDMLG Member Publications & Presentations

The 2023 publications and presentations by our MDMLG members can be found here - 

In addition, ALL publications and presentations from 2005 to the present can be found on the Publications & Presentations web page -

(Use Chrome or Edge to view this document)

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 10:31 AM   0 comments
MDMLG News - Volume 50, Issue 3, Spring 2024

The current issue of MDMLG News is now available at

Past newsletters can be found at

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 10:28 AM   0 comments
Thursday, March 21, 2024


Greetings, MDMLG Members!

You know how MDMLG has planted seeds for your professional growth?

How it helps you meet and network with other health sciences & medical library professionals?

How it provides you with an easy means for obtaining continuing education (CE) credit hours?

How it throws you a lifeline when you need input from librarians with medical & healthcare experience?


Now MDMLG Needs You!

Help us nurture and expand the talent in our field by becoming a member of the MDMLG Executive Board

We are currently looking to fill two open positions on our Executive Board for next year, Treasurer and President-Elect.

We need you to step forward and engage as an active member of our Executive Board. We are a very supportive group and will help all new members as they learn their new roles.

Need more information about the positions?

Contact Amanda Kelly (, Mariela Hristova (, Merle Rosenzweig (, or Elizabeth Bucciarelli ( to discuss what these positions entail.

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Posted by Elizabeth @ 10:49 AM   0 comments
Monday, March 18, 2024
MDMLG Spring General Business Meeting

The MDMLG Spring General Business Meeting will be held in-person on April 17, 2024 at the Michigan School of Psychology. Following the meeting, Michelle Kraft of the Cleveland Clinic Library will give a presentation on promoting health sciences librarianship. Please register for the meeting/presentation here:

Please let me know if you have any questions. On behalf of the MDMLG Program and Professional Development Committee, we hope to see you there!

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 3:43 PM   0 comments
Monday, March 04, 2024
MDMLG Mini-Meeting: Library Promotion and Marketing

The MDMLG Program and Professional Development Committee held our first ever "mini-meeting," an informal gathering around a specific topic, on Wednesday, February 21st at 1pm via Zoom.   The topic was library promotion and marketing. 

The minutes from this meeting and the PowerPoint are now available from the MDMLG Meetings website -

Mini-meetings will be a way for MDMLG membership to meet in between General Business Meetings and hold a casual conversation about a pre-specified topic. Our aim is to offer opportunities for MDMLG members to connect more regularly and learn from other members in a manner more casual than a business meeting. 

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 4:08 PM   0 comments
Friday, February 09, 2024
We Are Looking for YOU... for the MDMLG 2024-25 Executive Board!

The time is coming up for the MDMLG Executive Board to elect new Board Members, and we’re looking for members that are interested in the prestige and glamour of the Executive Board!

You will be able to grow your network of colleagues in the medical library community, work with some amazing medical librarians to provide a professional experience that connects and enriches our careers, as well as have fun and add a little sparkle to your resume.  Participation in the Board of our organization also counts towards your AHIP certification.

We understand that we all have busy lives and commitments outside of work, so if you are nervous or unsure of the commitment that holding a Board position entails, please feel free to reach out to anyone listed below in the descriptions of the open positions and we will chat with you to give you a snapshot of what the position entails and the time commitment you can expect if you hold the position.  

As a reminder, the open positions are:

  1. President-Elect
  2. Treasurer
  3. Member Services Coordinator
  4. Nominating Committee – 2 open positions

To nominate yourself, please contact any of the Nominating Committee members at

Amanda Kelly

Mariela Hristova

Merle Rosenzweig

 Executive Board Positions (5-6 meetings a year)

The President-Elect, at the request of the President or during the President's absence or inability to act, shall perform the duties and exercise the functions of the President and when so acting shall have the powers of the President. The President-Elect shall act as Chair or Co-Chair of the Program and Professional Development Committee. They shall also have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board, prescribed by these Bylaws or MDMLG's parliamentary authority.

Current: Steven Moore

Treasurer, The Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the Board and the members of MDMLG a proposed annual budget and recommendations regarding fiscal policy, and at each business meeting, an account of MDMLG's current financial condition. The Treasurer shall also perform other duties as necessary when disbursing MDMLG funds.

Current: Andrea Rogers-Snyr

Membership Services Officer, The Membership Services Officer shall be responsible for processing membership renewals, communicating member information to the Webmaster for the purposes of the membership directory, and all other duties as outlined in the procedural document.

Current: Stephanie Stebens

The Nominating Committee, (3-4 meetings a year. Chair attends all executive board meetings and provides brief reports),

The Nominating Committee will nominate candidates for election to the Executive Board. In even-numbered years of the replacement cycle, candidates must be provided to replace the President-Elect, the Treasurer and the Membership Services Officer. In odd-numbered years of 9 the replacement cycle, candidates must be provided to replace the President-Elect, the Secretary and the Outreach Officer.

Current: Amanda Kelly

Mariela Hristova

Merle Rosenzweig

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 8:18 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, February 07, 2024
Submit Your 2023 Publications and Presentations to the MDMLG Newsletter

It's that time of year again where we compile all the accomplishments that our members have completed over the previous calendar year! If you have published a journal article, an abstract, presented a poster, or presented a paper, please send me your citation(s) at, c/o David Stewart. Please also let me know if your AHIP status has changed since March of 2022 - whether you've become AHIP certified or are no longer. 

Once compiled, you should see your citation, as well as those of your colleagues, in the next newsletter!

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Posted by David Stewart @ 1:23 PM   0 comments
Thursday, February 01, 2024
MDMLG Mini-Meeting Topic: Library Promotion and Marketing

Greetings members of MDMLG!

The MDMLG Program and Professional Development Committee invites you to attend our first ever "mini-meeting," an informal gathering around a specific topic, on Wednesday, February 21st at 1pm via Zoom. We hope to see you there!

Please use this link to attend:

Hosted by MDMLG President Elizabeth Bucciarelli, this month's mini-meeting will focus on library promotion and marketing. Please feel free to prepare comments and questions related to the topic ahead of the mini-meeting—all are welcome!

Mini-meetings will be a way for MDMLG membership to meet in between General Business Meetings and hold a casual conversation about a pre-specified topic. Our aim is to offer opportunities for MDMLG members to connect more regularly and learn from other members in a manner more casual than a business meeting.

Please let Steven Moore know if you have any questions.

Steven J. Moore

Chair, Program and Professional Development Committee

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Posted by Steven J. Moore @ 2:56 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, November 07, 2023
2023-2024 Margaret Danowski Student Scholarship Award Winner - Emily Kerttu

We are pleased to announce that Emily Kerttu, a Wayne State University Information and Library Science student, has won the 2023-2024 Margaret Danowski Student Scholarship Award!

Emily has an extensive background in the healthcare field, including a degree in biology, and has ambitions to work in a hospital or medical school setting once she finishes library school. She has specific interests in medical technology and hopes to see the intersection of tech and medicine as the way forward in medical librarianship. She speaks to this in her application, "A specialization as a medical librarian would allow me to improve the quality of care by helping providers and other health professionals stay on top of the newest technology and medical developments in their specialties."

Please join me in congratulating Emily on winning this award, and we hope to see her at the 2024 Summer Meeting!

Check out previous award winners at

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 1:29 PM   0 comments
Sunday, August 06, 2023
MDMLG Membership Renewal for 2023-2024

August begins our membership drive for the 2023-2024 year. Please consider renewing your current MDMLG membership or join by completing the online form at  

Types of MDMLG membership:

--Regular ($35)
--Students (Free!)

--Institutions ($50)
--Emeritus/retired ($15)

Membership provides great benefits, including but not limited to:

--Becoming part of the network with health information professionals who have the same interests and concerns
--Free or discounted continuing educational opportunities for professional development

--Opportunity to serve on the MDMLG executive board and committees
--Access to Members-only portion of the MDMLG web site
--Providing a sense of belonging to a community of health information professionals

Your membership will make the organization stronger and expand the professional network of health sciences/medical librarians in the Metropolitan Detroit area and beyond.

Thank you,

Stephanie Stebens
MDMLG Membership Services

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Posted by Valerie Reid @ 1:58 PM   0 comments