Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Proposed MDMLG Bylaws Change

 Hello, MDMLG members,

I am proposing a small name change in the MDMLG Bylaws. I will be bringing this change forward for a vote during the General Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting on June 20, 2024.

I am proposing that we update the name of the ’MDMLG Student Award’ in the Bylaws to the ‘Margaret Danowski Student Scholarship Award.’ This name change was officially ratified by the membership last year, but the Bylaws were not updated. This year’s Executive Board has supported this Bylaws update.

The single occurrence for this change is located on Pg. 7 of the Bylaws, Article VI. Sec. 2 6.

If passed, the new section will read:

6. The President-Elect or President, as appropriate, will specify the term of appointment of all

committee members and representatives. Margaret Danowski Student Scholarship Award recipients may serve as the MDMLG Student Representative.

If you have any input or concerns about this change, you can send them to me (ebucciare@emich.edu) and we can discuss them at the Annual Meeting on June 20, 2024.

Elizabeth  Bucciarelli, President

Posted by Elizabeth @ 2:46 PM   0 comments


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