Friday, June 14, 2024
MDMLG / SEMCME Joint Project - Quality Library

As I mentioned at last week's Annual Meeting, I have created a new MDMLG website which collects information about the MDMLG / SEMCME Joint Project (Southeastern Michigan Center for Medical Education).  

MDMLG members have been helping SEMCME to develop their Quality Library since 2021.  Their Quality Library consists of journal articles and documents, arranged by broad subject area.  

For further information, go to the new website -  There is a link there to the SEMCME Quality Library, along with the login information.  This Library is password protected, so I have the login informaiton on our membersj-only web page. 

We still need your help to submit relevant journal articles and documents on any aspect of quality -- competencies for residents, ethics, journals in the field, models, tools and much more.

To submit articles or if you have any questions, send them to Valerie Reid -

Posted by Valerie Reid @ 3:41 PM   0 comments


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